Friday, January 30, 2015

"Ode to a Master Teacher" Backstage with Dr. Laurie Johnson, LPC

                       Celebrating Janice Cox's 24 Years of Service at Darlington School                                                                                          Brown Faculty Dinner 2014

                            Dr. Laurie Johnson, LPC Parent of Four Darlington Students

            I was very privileged to speak about Janice Cox at the Brown Faculty Dinner, 2014 at                                  Darlington School, on the occasion of her retirement.  Here are those remarks. 

           " First, I'd like to say Thank-you to the Board of Trustees, for ALL that you do to keep Darlington a center of Honor, Service, and Wisdom. Almost a year ago, to this day, my daughter O'Keefe wrote you a letter to express her gratitude to you and to this wonderful faculty and staff for her 13 years at Darlington. As a sophomore at UGA, she is now National Communication Coordinator for the largest college organization, RHA. No doubt, Darlington well prepared her for leadership and service.

           One of the teachers that most shaped her Darlington experience, was JANICE COX. Even though O'Keefe was not in Miss Cox's class, she, like ALL of us, is a Cox Cub in her heart!
Some of you may know me as Dr. J, or Laurie, but I am really Hiram, O'Keefe, Abraham and Mamie's mom. And Mrs. Cox, is a second mom to them. From way back in kindergarten, to this very day when two of them are at UGA, she is still a touchstone for them. When Mrs. Cox loves you, she never quits. If you know her at all, you know what I mean.

           You may know me as a Developmental Psychologist, but I am also a teacher. I once taught a combined 4th and 5th grade, then moved on to teach at colleges and universities. Now, you know, when people find out that you are a teacher, what's the first thing they ask you? [   pause  ]  Right-- "What do you teach?" Well, for me the answer is Psychology and Communication. But for Janice, I think there is only one answer that does her justice. She teaches LOVE.

           Janice teaches LOVE, when she studies to figure out what each child's strengths are, and how to INVITE them to be expressed in her classroom.

           Janice teaches LOVE, when she makes learning an adventure, and utilizes every mode of discovery in her classroom.

           Janice  teaches LOVE, when she treats every child around her with affectionate  dignity, delight  and kindness. So much so, that other students would never dream of treating a classmate poorly.

           Janice teaches LOVE, when she holds the hand of a parent, who is a puddle of tears on the first day of kindergarten. And she keeps holding their hand. I know--I am proof. She held my hand throughout Lower School, Middle School and Upper School. And for that, she will forever hold my heart.

           Janice teaches LOVE, when she mentors other teachers. Over the years, I have loved watching a teacher's countenance light up, at the mention of Janice Cox. She is an extraordinary master teacher, and has helped countless teachers master the classroom with love and confidence.

           A few years ago, a lot of us wore  bracelets that bore the initials WWJD. I don't think it is any insult, when I adapt that guide and ask myself, "What would Janice Do?" I think that is fitting prompt to every one of us, whatever our walk of life.

           Of course, the answer will always be the same.

           What would Janice Do?


           LOVE people. LOVE those who are young and adult and aged. Every day, in every way possible. Children. Co-workers. Family members. Strangers. Even knuckleheads. LOVE them in actions. LOVE them out loud.

           Janice LOVES through example. She loves through lessons. She loves through all the plays she has written and songs she has composed.

           I'll never forget the chance I got to observe her teaching style while on a field trip to Possum Trot school on Berry College campus. There was not a single syllable that left her lips, void of an encouragement or exhortation or affirmation. Not in any gushy mushy way--but with clarity and an invitation to every student to grow and stretch.  That's the kind of love she teaches. It doesn't always require words. I think she realized early in life, that teachable moments multiply when a person feels loved--whether that person peers over a desk, over a steering wheel, or over the past decades of their life. Janice has a gift for making every person feel special.

           Over the years, Janice Cox has taught me to believe in myself and to trust God on a deeper level. She has taught me to savor every season of parenthood. That was good, because she often saw me holding one child's hand, while pushing a stroller with two more of my kids, while my fourth snuggled in a belly bag on my chest!

            Janice Cox  taught all of us to find our Calling and to let it roar! Sure, we may chuckle at the musical refrain woven through many of her plays--"Get a job" but her underlying message has always been--"Discover your unique and dynamic destiny and embrace it fully!" I used to think that was just good career counseling for kindergarteners. But over the years,  I've come to understand the deeper reason for her exhortation. It is because our careers provide a means of demonstrating love to others. And love, is what life is all about.

            For all you Faculty members, Administrators, and Staff--I am so thankful that you had the privilege to work alongside Janice Cox. I'm peeved that you could not convince her to stay and delay retirement (just teasing!) But, knowing her #1 Boss, I am sure that God has lots of plans for her to enjoy in this next season of life.

            I think  the best way we can honor Janice Cox's LEGACY, is to strive to serve and love everyone around us--and especially, the students in our care.

            When I think about the 3 R's of Reading, 'Rriting, and 'Rithmetic, my desire to honor Janice Cox comes into focus… One day, may I read a student, as well as Janice can. One day, may I write the compassionate notes that Janice wrote me. Notes that  fortified me through tough times. And one day, may my conduct reflect Janice Cox's arithmetic---ALWAYS adding to the human good, and never subtracting from it."

     Janice, you ARE loved. We all love you. It is not too late to sign next year's contract!   
       Laurie Johnson, Ph.D., LPC         (Hiram, 12', O'Keefe '13, Abraham '15, Mamie '17)

Thanks to RuthAnne Anderson who discovered her calling as a Photographer and shares her gifts so generously with Darlington!